Saturday, January 22, 2022

Less social media, more play

I recently muted a bunch of folks on Twitter, and hit the 30-day snooze on a bunch more on Facebook.  I joined these platforms to engage, connect, learn and share, and not to have my feed filled with foul language, judgmental comments, cruel, condescending, and downright inappropriate comments on, well, just about everything.  I cannot take having to wade through a string of stats on COVID case counts, hospitalizations and deaths, and judgy 'I know better' comments to get to the stuff that offers perspective, some humour, insight, and good and worthy distraction.  

More joy.  The muting and snoozing is because I want more of what makes me smile and less of what makes me sad.   

In a 2020 blog post, I introduced you to a warrior princess who unknowingly brought a very restorative and therapeutic flavour to part of my day. I'm lucky to spend time with her fairly regularly, and if it's a day that's started cold and cloudy it never ends that way if she's been part of it.  I've had two of those days with her this month already.

And now she is 6. Still kind and caring, still totally outrageous, and still moving through life with a sense of purpose and determination, and with an opinion on just about everything. It's accompanied by a vocabulary, depth of perception and soulfulness that is all at once captivating and entertaining.  

Today I knew enough to take out an extra box of Kraft Dinner for lunch.... and we were off!  In the end, the books, the crafts, and plans to go outside and investigate the neighborhood were all forgotten and replaced by conversation about Lego, families, neighbours, school, and plans for the time a sleepover might be possible- all while absorbed in a puzzle and over several cups of tea.  I also got trounced in Go Fish.  As she left, the sun came out and I bundled up to walk in the last few minutes of daylight feeling restored once again and grateful for having connected with my own inner 6 year old. 

For a few hours there was no stress, no COVID, and no worry. And definitely no Twitter or Facebook.  I was reminded that the work, the reading, the reports and the day-to-day demands and responsibilities can be put on the back-burner with no repercussions, easily and happily replaced by silliness, play and fun.  

'The soul is healed by being with children.' - Fyodor Dostoevsky   

Saturday, January 8, 2022

LRSD students who have come alive

Breaking news out of Louis Riel School Division is that Justin Patrocinio, a grade 12 student at Windsor Park Collegiate is a finalist for a Loran Scholarship. Out of 5,174 applicants, and an interview as one of the 335 semi-finalists, Justin is one of 90 students (and one of three in Manitoba) who have now advanced to the national interview stage of the application process.   

Loran Scholars are exceptional individuals who 'demonstrate perseverance when faced with adversity, a sense of curiosity, and leadership potential'. It recognizes and rewards character, service, and initiative with a financial award, mentorship, and networking opportunities.  Being awarded a scholarship means you are viewed as someone with integrity, courage and grit. To be seen as having those qualities at any age, let alone as a high school student, is remarkable, worth acknowledging and worth celebrating.  Congratulations Justin!

But wait, there's more......

Today on the front page of the Arts & Life section, the Winnipeg Free Press featured Nelson McIntyre Collegiate student Jackson Toone- a young person of many, many, talents that all centre around a love of skateboarding. Words like focused, professional, optimistic, committed and detail oriented could be, and are, used to describe Jackson's approach to everything he takes on. When you read the article it's easy to understand the appropriateness of the name Don't Waste Time (the 'middle finger' analogy is great). 

Let this all sink in folks. 

Two very different teens at first glance, but on closer inspection alike in a lot of ways. Passionate, hardworking, positive, enthusiastic, inspiring, undeterred in their pursuits, and both dreaming big. Supported by family, friends and community they are chasing those dreams and already succeeding. I can't wait to see what they do next, and where they are in 10 years. Justin and Jackson are examples of how students thrive when independence and autonomy is nurtured, and a learning environment is engaging and supported by trusting relationships.  I'm so proud to be able to say they are from LRSD!! 

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive.  And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - Howard Thurman

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Happy New Year!

It's been several months since I posted to this blog; a lifetime in many ways given the state of the world and our little corner of it.  

To frame 2021 without thinking I'd say so long, good-bye, don't let the door hit you on the way out.  But to toss 365 days out without stopping to think about all that was good not only suggests it was a wasted year, but that I wasted it, and neither of those is true. 

Aside from another year of not travelling, I shouldn't, can't and won't complain (any more I mean, I did plenty let me tell you!!).  I met new people, read a ton, and learned some stuff.  Was it all a bed of roses? Hell no.  There were days when it was all overwhelming and those were the days when I was glad for my bike, the many walking trails near by, a stack of books, puzzles, and colouring sheets, the young people in my life and all who make me laugh, yoga, my garden (such as it is), and The Forks. 

Like I've developed with Duo, I have a love-hate relationship with social media these days.  What was once a way to connect, learn and be offered welcome insight and perspective is becoming more negative and judgy than ever before. Note to self: it might be time to actually make use of the block, snooze, and mute features- they are there for a reason!! 

On that note I'll wish you a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2022.  There will always be crap.  There will always be people who, intentionally or otherwise, bring others down. 

There will always people who don't show up, or who do and just seem to take up space in the process.  

There are also those who bring their 'A game' every time, who show up and make the space better, who self-reflect as part of self-improvement, who encourage me to do better and give me a gentle shake when I've done the opposite, and who are invested in making their community a better place for everyone (and demonstrate that investment all the time).  You know who you you are; you are great teachers in your unique ways, you make me a better person, and you have my thanks, my gratitude, and my admiration.

OK 2022,  I'm ready for whatever you have in store. Bring. It. On. 

Happy New Year!

In some ways it seems like school board elections were last week, when in reality almost 10 weeks have gone by.  The random and spur-of-the-...