Loran Scholars are exceptional individuals who 'demonstrate perseverance when faced with adversity, a sense of curiosity, and leadership potential'. It recognizes and rewards character, service, and initiative with a financial award, mentorship, and networking opportunities. Being awarded a scholarship means you are viewed as someone with integrity, courage and grit. To be seen as having those qualities at any age, let alone as a high school student, is remarkable, worth acknowledging and worth celebrating. Congratulations Justin!
But wait, there's more......
Today on the front page of the Arts & Life section, the Winnipeg Free Press featured Nelson McIntyre Collegiate student Jackson Toone- a young person of many, many, talents that all centre around a love of skateboarding. Words like focused, professional, optimistic, committed and detail oriented could be, and are, used to describe Jackson's approach to everything he takes on. When you read the article it's easy to understand the appropriateness of the name Don't Waste Time (the 'middle finger' analogy is great).
Let this all sink in folks.
Two very different teens at first glance, but on closer inspection alike in a lot of ways. Passionate, hardworking, positive, enthusiastic, inspiring, undeterred in their pursuits, and both dreaming big. Supported by family, friends and community they are chasing those dreams and already succeeding. I can't wait to see what they do next, and where they are in 10 years. Justin and Jackson are examples of how students thrive when independence and autonomy is nurtured, and a learning environment is engaging and supported by trusting relationships. I'm so proud to be able to say they are from LRSD!!
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - Howard Thurman
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